Sunday 26 June 2011

Dr. Tony Tan, next President of the Republic of Singapore?

Presidential hopeful Tony Tan claimed that he is running as an independent and the PAP did not ask him to stand.
Surely, unless you believe raising GST helps the poor,  Dr. Tan can't be a neutral.
Let's take a look. Dr. Tan was an ex-PAP MP. He is still the Executive Director of the Government Investment Corporation (GIC) and  Chairman of Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) until July 1st.

GIC is a rather clandestine operation ran directly by Lee Hsien Loong that supposedly manages our nation's money. Due to excessive exposure to the financial world, the Wall Street Journal reported that GIC lost close to S$50 billion in 2008. To date, there has been no disclosure of where our monies are invested.

SPH, as we all know, is the de facto mouthpiece for the government. Its journalists are well-trained in the art of spinning, deception and defamation. One of their most valuable players Melvinderpal Singh who writes for the New Paper is a master at these. He's receiving tons of online backlash for some of his work.

When George Yeo refused to run  (which is probably one of the best decision he's ever made), the PAP scrambled to find somebody whom they could trust. A President who could turn a blind eye to Temasek and GIC's activities, one who will not ask for our reserves to be published, one who can condone the worsening plight of average Singaporeans--- in short, a Yes man.

It is little surprise that PAP Ministers have one by one made public their support.  PM Lee Hsien Loong,  Goh Chok Tong and even Mr. Nathan himself have backed Dr. Tan.

He is no doubt the Chosen One.

Never before has the PAP needed to be all hands on deck for Elections of any sort. Like previous General Elections, the last two Presidential Elections were walkovers. And since S. R Nathan is unlikely to run for another term, he will leave office uncontested.

With12 years as uninterrupted Head of State, you would think he should have been able to "unify" the country. Maybe it's my forgetfulness but I can scarcely recall his contributions in this respect.
Instead, the haphazard scramble for imported residents has driven a deep wedge between native Singaporeans and foreigners. It's only a matter of time when Singaporeans will become a minority in their own country, one built by the hard work of their forefathers.
Mr. Nathan said that Singaporeans "just can't distance ourselves from the government".
Actually dear President, it is the PAP who has distanced themselves from the people.

When we say we don't want too many foreigners, we are likely to get another 900,000 on the way.
When many locals opposed building of a casino, we get two.
When we feedback that housing is unaffordable, they let private developers set the prices for HDB flats.
When we plead for some job security, we are told our spurs are not stuck to our hides and its our problem.

Dr Tony Tan is indeed PAP's choice. And with the help of the State Media, he will probably sail through the Elections because there are still too many daft Singaporeans around.

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