Saturday 14 May 2011

Sylvia Lim resigns day job to be full time MP

Sylvia Lim, the Workers' Party Chairman, has resigned from her day job as law lecturer at Temasek Polytechnic.

This is fantastic news as it would probably mean she can focus on being a full-time MP.
It may also give her more time to "fix" the PAP.

In any case, I hope to see more MPs, PAP or opposition, resign from their day jobs to concentrate on the important task of taking this country forward in the right direction.
Of all the parties, I believe only SDP and NSP candidates had made the pledge to become full-time MPs if they had won their seats.

Using PAP's driver analogy and coming up with one of my own, an MP with a day job is like someone using his/her mobile phone while driving, without the hands free!
It's little wonder the car has crashed a few times over the last 5-10 years.

In any case, 15,000 a month is sufficient money to "get by", no?

Well done Sylvia!

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